Thursday, November 18, 2010


The readings for the classes are an important foundation of knowledge in the areas of School Law and Human Resources. This blog will provide for a social sharing of possible quiz questions related to the remaining book chapters of the classes, and require candidates to coordinate their submissions with others that have posted earlier. NO QUIZ QUESTIONS MAY BE THE SAME, SO YOU WILL NEED TO REVIEW ALREADY POSTED QUESTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.

1. Read School Law Text Chapters 10, 8 & 4. Read Human Resources Text chapters 4, 8, 11, 13.
2. GO to the blog and review carefully all questions already posted there- as you may not post a quiz question that is similar or duplicates one already posted.

PUT YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS AT THE TOP OF YOUR COMMENT BEFORE POSTING- If you'd like to use an alias, that's fine, just let me know. [below the comment box, you’ll be asked to ‘Comment as’- just select ‘anonymous’. As you name is in ALL CAPS at the top of your comment, right?]
4. POST your work in the following format:
School Law ch. 10: Question. Answer.
School Law ch. 8: Question. Answer.
School Law ch. 4: Question. Answer.
Human Resources ch 4: Question. Answer.
Human Resources ch 8: Question. Answer.
Human Resources ch 11: Question. Answer.
Human Resources ch 13: Question. Answer.


    School Law ch. 10: Question: Does a parent have access to student records if they do not retain custody of a child? Answer: Yes, unless it is against a court order. (pg. 389)
    School Law ch. 8: FAPE and LRE are special education acronyms that stand for the following. Question: Answer: Free Appropriate Public Education and Local Education Agency
    School Law ch. 4: Question: If a grievance cannot be resolved between the school district and the union, what is the next step for both parties? Answer: The matter is usually referred to an arbitrator.
    Human Resources ch.4: Question: List 3 of the 5 skills effective leaders have. Answer: Any of the following: assertiveness, interpersonal communication skills, persuasiveness, optimism, stability, calmness under pressure, and well-organized. (pg. 64)
    Human Resources ch.8: Question: List 3 of the many limiting legal challenges when evaluating personnel in education. Answer: Heed the rules, avoid surprises, be flexible, talk about the lesson, avoid nitpicking, ground your comments, be fair, offer assistance, be circumspect, and anticipate legal action (pg. 158)
    Human Resources ch. 11: Question: Quid Pro Quo harassment occurs when _________ Answer: an employer, supervisor, or co-worker makes an unwelcome request for a sexual favor as a term or condition of employment. (pg.218)
    Human Resources ch. 13: Question: If a grievance is filed, can past practice used as an argument against the district? Answer: Yes, arbitrators can use pas practice in deciding grievances when the contract is silent on the issue or if the language of the contract is ambiguous. (pg. 261)

  2. PEREZ
    School Law ch. 10: Sniffer dogs can be used to sniff lockers, desks, and cars without violating student rights. (True)
    School Law ch. 8: A BIP or behavioral intervention plan is developed by the IEP team when serious behavior problems interfere with the implementation of the goals and objectives of a student's IEP. (True)
    School Law ch. 4: Wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment are considered mandatory bargaining topics under EERA. (True)
    HR ch. 4: The top five deficiencies leading to principal failure are: principal's inability to work cooperatively with faculty, failure to develop positive community relations, making poor decisions, ineffectiveness in solving problems, and lack of leadership in curriculum and instruction. (True)
    HR ch. 8: Peer Assistance and Review is a method where experienced teachers observe and evaluate new teachers or those needing assistance. (True)
    HR ch 11:Deciding whether to employ individuals with disabilities as teachers requires administrators to consider the safety and well-being of students as well as the rights of those who are disabled. (True)
    HR ch. 13: Administrators who take a stand in support of cooperation and who show by their actions that they are committed to cooperation have a positive effect on the school climate. (True)


    School Law Ch. 10: The Brown Act generally requires that the public’s business must be conducted in public, neither school employees or students and their families lose their rights to personal privacy. (True)
    School Law Ch. 8: A special education student’s IEP functions as a road map to their educational program. (True)
    School Law Ch. 4: Aside from charter and private schools, the collective bargaining process has become ingrained in the operation of California schooling. (True)
    Human Resources Ch. 4: Preparing a job description with required essential functions is the first step in filling an administrative or support position. (True)
    Human Resources Ch. 8: Classroom observations are at the heart of some teacher evaluation models. (True)
    Human Resources Ch. 11: Local school boards are given authority by state legislative bodies to employ, assign, transfer, evaluate, suspend, and terminate teachers. (True)
    Human Resources Ch. 13: Several methods of dispute resolution are in use in organizations, including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. (True)

  4. CARA

    School Law, Ch. 10: Question: A school or county district employee's home address and telephone number can be given to a parent, if requested.
    Answer:False - Only family members, employee of another education entity, and employee organization, or health benefit plan employee

    School Law, Ch. 8: Question: A student can be evaluated for special needs or a learning disability without the parent's notification.
    Answer: False

    School Law, Ch. 4: Question: What are the three stages of collective bargaining?
    Answer: Unionization Stage, Contract Negotiation Stage, and Contract Administration Stage

    Human Resources, Ch. 4: Question: The National Substitute Teacher Alliance is a bill of rights for substitute teachers.
    Answer: True

    Human Resources, Ch. 8: Question: Why do teachers prefer the portfolio model for evaluation?
    Answer: Because teachers have more control over this form of evaluation.

    Human Resources, Ch. 11: Question: Why was the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) enacted?
    Answer: It allows families to balance their jobs and their families.

    Human Resources, Ch. 13: Question: How many steps are there in the grievance process?
    Answer: Three steps


    Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools

    Chapter 4
    *According to assistant principals, which of the following skills did they say their university coursework did not prepare them to handle?
    a. motivating teachers
    b. resolving conflicts
    c. disciplining students
    d. dealing with the politics of the job
    **answer: C

    Chapter 8
    *A 360-degree evaluation approach to principal evaluation is one where….
    a. principals are asked to reflect on their leadership highlighting strengths and weaknesses.
    b. principals are rated by teachers and central staff members.
    c. one central office evaluator handles all aspects of the evaluation.
    d. mini evaluations are done each month and then compiled for the final evaluation.
    **answer: B

    Chapter 11
    *The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)of 1967 forbids discrimination against individuals over the age of….
    a. 40
    b. 50
    c. 55
    d. 60
    **answer: A

    Chapter 13
    *Which of the following is not a typical example of conflicts in schools?
    a. Confusion about duties and responsibilities
    b. Disputes over performance evaluation
    c. Disputes over allocation of resources and privileges
    d. Confusion about curriculum and standards.
    **answer: D

    California School Law

    Chapter 10
    *T or F Personally intrusive searches, rearranging of clothing to allow inspection of undergarments, breasts, buttocks, and genitalia are allowed by California law if there is a legally valid reason..
    **answer: F

    Chapter 8
    *T or F Having a student “stay put” during the period of time between a due process hearing and a written decision is issued requires that the student remain in their last, agreed- upon and implement educational placement.
    **answer: T

    Chapter 4
    *PERBB is an abbreviation for __________________________________________________________
    **answer: Public Employment Relations Board


    Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools

    Chapter 4
    *T or F Women have been disproportionately assigned to leadership roles in elementary schools, while roles in middle and high school have been reserved for men.
    **answer: T

    Chapter 8
    *T or F For evaluation purposes, principals rely more on classroom observations than other sources of data or information.
    **answer: T

    Chapter 11
    *T or F Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, districts are not to treat pregnancy the same as other temporary medical conditions.
    **answer: F

    Chapter 13
    *T of F Both mediators and arbitrators have the power to impose a settlement that the disputing parties are obligated to accepts.
    **answer: F

    California School Law

    Chapter 10
    *T or F What a school employee does outside of school is beyond the control of school authorities under all circumstances.
    **answer: F

    Chapter 8
    *T or F FAPE requires school districts to educate students with special needs with children who are not disabled to the maximum extent appropriate.
    **answer: T

    Chapter 4
    *T or F A grievance system consists of a number of steps by which an employee can seek a remedy for a violation of contract.
    **answer: T

    Questions for School Law and HR Quiz


    Chapter 10
    The California Free and Humaine Act prevents discrimination on mnay grounds including maital status and sexual orientation.
    (False--the CA Fair and Housing Act does so)

    Chapter 8
    A person can qualify for some special education resources starting at birth, but he or she may not receive any past 18 years old. (False---in some cases, a person may still get special ed. from 19-21 years old).

    Chapter 4
    Unions are justified by their ability to continually win benefits for their members.


    Chapter 4:
    Which of the following support personnel are utilized in schools?
    a) psychologists
    b) social workers
    c) teachers aides
    d) a & c
    e) a, b & c
    (answer: e)

    Chapter 8
    The remediation model works best with teachers who have severe problems, lack motivation and who are reluctant to improve with basic instruction. (False)

    Chapter 11
    Simply knowing about peer-to-peer harrassment without subsequent action can render a school district liable for damages. (True)

    Chapter 13
    Some districts have ombudsman, or representatives, and these district employees are hired solely to vindicate the districts from any wrongdoing in any legal dispute.
    (False--usually, the ombudsman are more interested in clarifying the law and making sure that fair hearings are carried out to protect all parties)

  8. Nicole Wallevand

    School Law Chap. 10
    FERPA is a federal law that applies to any educational institution receiving state funding. (False – receiving federal funding)

    School Law Chap. 8
    At least 5 individuals must attend an IEP meeting. Who are they?
    (Answer – 1. Gen. Ed. Teacher, 2. Spec. Ed. Teacher, 3. Administrator, 4. Psychologist or other qualified assessor, and 5. Parent or Guardian)

    School Law Chap. 4
    The concept of "exclusivity," within collective bargaining, allows an individual to negotiate individually with the employer. (False, it gives the union power to negotiate on behalf of all employees and the individual loses that right).

    Human Resources Chap. 4
    With the exception of the principal and classroom teacher, which support personnel is most likely to be known by more students then any other person? (Answer – Administrative Assistant)

    Human Resources Chap. 8
    Give 3 typical components of a teacher classroom observation. (Possible Answers – Instructional objectives addressed, student participation, teacher preparation, classroom management, and technology use)

    Human Resources Chap. 11
    The Equal Pay Act of 1963 forbids employers from paying higher wages to employees of one gender regardless of skill, effort and responsibility. (False – forbids only if job requires the same skill, effort, and responsibility under similar circumstances)

    Human Resources Chap. 13
    Contract language is either specific or permissive in terms of teacher evaluation procedures. Which type of language allows an administrator more flexibility in teacher evaluations? (Answer – permissive)


    Ch 10-T or F: A student over the age of 12 that meets with a counselor has the right to confidentiality and notes will not become apart of their file without permission from student? (TRUE)

    Ch 8-What does IEP stand for? (Individualized Educational Plan)

    Ch 4- T or F: Impasse means unable to reach an agreement in the union bargaining process. (TRUE)

    Human Resources:

    Ch 4- What is the largest group of support personnel? (Instructional Aides)

    Ch 8- T or F: Student Achievement Model's purpose is to base teacher evaluation on student learning.

    Ch 11-What is the first question used to determine if a particular task is an essential function of the job? (Does the position exist to perform this function?)

    Ch 13- T or F: The Administrator who is designated to hear the grievance meets with the grievance to discuss the complaint and later announces a decision? (TRUE)


    School Law ch. 10:
    The Brown Act applies to the governing boards of both public and charter schools.

    School Law ch. 8:
    Special education is specifically designed instruction without cost to the parents that meets the unique needs of the student.

    School Law ch. 4:
    Contract negations are unilateral between the employer and the bargaining team.
    (False, bilateral)

    Human Resources ch 4:
    An administrative assistant is a more complex position and involves more tasks than a secretary.

    Human Resources ch 8:
    By far the most widely used source of data for teacher evaluation is that gathered by principals during classroom visits.

    Human Resources ch 11:
    In general, districts are required to release information requested by law enforcement agencies and may not also refuse to honor requests for information from companies.
    (False, they can refuse to disclose personnel record information to companies)

    Human Resources ch 13:
    Negotiation is the most widely used means for settling conflict in organizations and is the least costly in terms of time and money.

  11. GREG:

    School Law (Chapter 10):
    True or false: The California Public Records Act is modeled on the federal Freedom of Information Act.

    School Law (Chapter 8):
    What does IEE stand for?
    (Independent Educational Evaluation)

    School Law (Chapter 4):
    What does EERA stand for?
    (Educational Employment Relations Act)

    Human Resources (Chapter 4):
    True of false: Women have historically been depicted stereotypically, while men have not.

    Human Resources (Chapter 8):
    What are the two main drawbacks to peer review according to those experienced in its use?
    (Teacher opposition to being evaluated by another teacher and principals' reluctance to give up the responsibility for evaluation)

    Human Resources (Chapter 11):
    What is the name of the act requiring employers to verify that people they employ are eligible to hold jobs in the United States?
    (Immigration Reform and Control Act)

    Human Resources (Chapter 13):
    What word refers to whether a grievance is subject to arbitration?
    (Arbitrability - I just love the word)

  12. SANDRA

    School Law (CH 10)

    Question: (True or False) Students who voluntarily participate in interscholastic sports have a diminished expectation of privacy.
    Answer: True

    School Law (CH 8)
    Question: What is Extended School Year (ESY)?
    Answer: ESY is a continuation of a student’s special education and related services beyond the normal school year to prevent regression.

    School Law (CH 4)
    Question: (True or False) CTA dates back to 1863.
    Answer: True

    Human Resources (CH 4)
    Question: (True or False) On average, school psychologist report that about 70% of their time is devoted to assessment activities.
    Answer: True

    Human Resources (CH 8)
    Question: What is a potential problem when using the goal-setting plan?
    Answer: A potential problem with goal-setting plans arises from disparities in the complexity of teacher-selected goals. Some goals are unattainable while others are not challenging enough.

    Human Resources (CH 11)
    Question: What does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act forbid?
    Answer: Title VII of the civil rights Act prohibits discrimination against employees based on race, color, gender, religion or national origin.

    Human Resources (CH 13)
    Question: Can principal use information for evaluation purposes that was not obtained by means of classroom observation?
    Answer: Yes, arbitration has held that the use of such information is acceptable unless it is specifically prohibited by the contract.

  13. Ross G.

    School Law ch. 10: Question: What Act mandates public access to meetings of the governing board and many of its committees when deliberation or action takes place? Answer. Brown Act
    School Law ch. 8: Question: The term 504 comes from what section of Federal Law? Answer: Rehabilitation Act of 1973 section 504
    School Law ch. 4: Question: When did teachers union grow and begin to have an influential role in public schools? Answer: 1960’s
    Human Resources ch 4: Question: True or false; it is good practice to contact an applicant’s references without their consent? Answer: False, you should always ask for permission to contact references.
    Human Resources ch 8: Question: What model is best used for experiences teachers who are able to identify their own developmental needs? Answer: Goal-Setting Model
    Human Resources ch 11: Question: What does ADEA stand for? Answer: Age Discrimination in Employment Act
    Human Resources ch 13: Question: How does an arbitrator act in school district disputes? Answer; as a mediator

    School Law Ch. 10
    What does FERPA stand for and what does it represent?
    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act- Allows parents access to, and the right to challenge, the content of their children’s school records.

    School Law ch. 8:
    Question: When are school districts NOT responsible for providing designated instruction and services (DIS) to students?
    Answer: If the services have to be performed by a physician or at a hospital.

    School Law ch. 4:
    Question: Which of the following explain why charter schools are troubling to teacher unions?
    A. The bargaining process is also ingrained in charters.
    B. Charter schools are only using two of the three stages in collective bargaining.
    C. Teachers typically develop the charter petition and usually teach and oversee the operations of the school.
    D. Charter schools are developed by people with non-educational backgrounds who are against their employees forming a union.
    Answer: C

    Human Resources ch 4:
    Question: T/F There are stereotypes that depict men in a leadership role as weak, indecisive and frivolous. Women are also stereotyped as aggressive, insensitive, and us an authoritarian leadership style.
    Answer: False

    Human Resources ch 8:
    Question: Which of the following is NOT a reason why the student achievement model is difficult?
    A. Other teachers may have more highly motivated students.
    B. Teachers collect documents and artifacts from the students to illustrate their effectiveness.
    C. There is no foolproof way to measure how much of a child’s knowledge was contributed by the given teacher.
    D. Teachers with more up-to-date materials have an advantage.
    Answer: B

    Human Resources ch 11:
    Question: Administrators have the right to share personnel records with students and their parents.
    Answer: False

    Human Resources ch. 13:
    Question: T/F An arbitrator can impose a settlement that the disputing parties are obligated to accept.
    Answer: True


    School Law Questions-

    CH. 10: How long does a governing board have to respond to an employee when it decides to to hold a closed session on a specific complaint or charge against said employee? A= 24 hrs and it must be in writing.

    CH. 8: T or F - A special education student's IEP functions as a road map to the student's educational program
    A= True

    CH. 4: T or F - Collective bargaining is consuming and expensive
    A= True

    Human Resources Questions

    CH. 4: Is a Resource Officer employed by a district or police department?
    A= Police Department- School officials have limited say in their selection

    CH. 8: T or F - Negotiated contracts always contain provisions on evaluations.
    A= False, it may or may not depending on the contract and the state

    CH. 11: Title VII covers all employers with ____ or more employees.
    A= 15

    CH. 13: How many steps do most grievance procedures consist of?
    A= Three or Four

  16. EFRAIN

    School Law
    Chapter 10
    True/False: Group searches of public school students are permitted when there is reasonable suspicion that someone in the group possesses contraband.
    **answer: True

    Chapter 8

    Give the three circumstances in which a special education student is no longer eligible for services under IDEA.
    **answer: 1. Student no longer meets the thirteen categories under IDEA. 2. Turns eighteen years old. 3. Receives a High School Diploma.

    Chapter 4
    The Hudson Notice is
    a. A notice given to union members regarding the bargaining unit terms.
    b. A letter sent to union members explaining the basis of the fees.
    c. Campaign material from members running for office.
    d. A notice submitted by a member who wishes to run for office.

    **answer: b

    Human Resources

    Chapter 4
    What are two attributes that should be given primacy in selecting a Library/Media Specialist.

    ** answer: Encouraging attitude toward use, recent training on library systems.

    Chapter 8
    Give three things you should avoid when doing the post-observation.

    **answer: avoid suprises, nitpicking, ignoring the regulations

    Chapter 11
    True/False. Districts may refuse to honor requests for information by law enforcement.

    *answer: False. Districts are required to comply to requests from law enforcement.

    Chapter 13
    True/False. An arbitrator can rely on past practice when deciding grievances when the contract is silent on an issue.

    **answer: True.

    School Law Chapter 10: True or False: All detentions will pass judicial inspection in court.
    Answer: F

    School Law Chapter 8: What two federal laws protect students with disabilities?
    Answer: IDEA and ADA section 504

    School Law Chapter 4: Two acts gave unions the right to confer with public employers. Most people refer to the Brown act of 1961, but what is the other act?
    Answer: Winton Act of 1962

    Human Resources Chapter 4: Which of the following is NOT a a part of the collective bargaining process:
    A) Unionization Stage
    B) Contract Negotiation Stage
    C) Democratic Voting Stage
    D) Contract Administration Stage
    Answer: C

    Human Resources Chapter 8: True or False: Principals rely on data as the main basis for teacher evaluation.
    Answer: F

    Human Resources Chapter 11: What does the acronym FMLA stand for?
    Answer: Family Medical Leave Act

    Human Resources Chapter 13: If non-binding arbitration fails, what two modes of recourse are left to a grievant?
    Answer: School Board review and civil court
