From the ‘virtual’ desk of Dr. Orozco
Brazil Team 2012,
Oi! from Brazil. I was in Uberlandia, Brazil for an international education conference presentation, and will spend a few days in Rio de Janeiro before I return to Los Angeles. I'd like to welcome our newest team members- Wadean Van Ruler (Turlock USD) & Karen Green (LAUSD)! A full list of members (awaiting your bios/pics) is online at:
PROGRAM SYLLABUS AND KEY WORKING DOCUMENTSAnd please encourage others interested in the program to contact me. Space is getting limited.
All candidates (with paid deposit) will be sent the syllabus and key documents THIS MONTH to begin preparation of your Professional Portfolio. The earlier you begin, the more time you will have on the ground to enjoy Rio. So if you've paid your deposit, thanks. If not, please do so soon... We will be discussing aspects of the work in Rio during our next conference call.
PLEASE submit your bio and pic. Candidate Biography Paragraph - Write a biography paragraph about yourself. These will be posted as part of our website exactly as YOU write it. Also email a picture with your bio. It should be typed and perfect (free of errors) Follow last year’s example below- and more examples are online:
Format to Follow:
[line 1] Name, email address
[line 2] Job Title, Organization/District
[paragraph] (125 words maximum- USE word count for this paragraph only): Brief highlights of formal education, professional experience & interest, and something fun &/or personal.
Linda Orozco, Ph.D.
Founder & President, Leadership Innovation
Dr. Orozco received her Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of Minnesota; her M.A. from Calif. State University, Long Beach; and her B.A. from Whittier College. She is Past Director of the Professional Administration Credential Program and Professor of Educational Leadership at California State University , Fullerton . Her experience includes 26 years in educational leadership including both public and private educational settings, district and county offices of education, and higher education administration. Major research and publication endeavors include technology in education and administration, educating diverse populations, as well as effective interagency collaboration. She continues to conduct research internationally including Brazil, Thailand and Vietnam. She is an avid surfer and runner.
I welcome your questions and comments ANYTIME. Even when I am in Brazil you can easily reach me via email, Skype or the 562 telephone number below.
Warm regards!
Dr. Linda Orozco
Leadership Innovation
Telephone: 562-368-4844