Let's work together to make your work EASIER for the CAPSEL's Final Report. Please post some of YOUR top leadership activities. All we need to start is a draft of the activity in only 1-2 sentences. And I'll join in with editing ideas and help you polish them up. :)
Remember to add NUMBERS/STATISTICS that support your activity.
Here's an example:
Your Draft: I developed a discipline policy which reduced suspensions at my school.
Polished version: I led a school committee (15 staff/parents) for 3 months to develop at 6-page schoolwide discipline policy for my middle school (1300 students). Student suspensions dropped by 35% within the first year of policy implementation.
Ok, now you try one.
Your activity should be stated in 2-3 sentences ONLY. PUT YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS AT TOP OF YOUR COMMENT. [below the comment box, you will be asked to "Comment as". Select 'anonymous', because your name is already listed at the top of your comment in all CAPS, right?]